After her course, Anna Erwood set a goal of raising $500 to contribute to another students OB course fee. She signed up for our OB Champions programme and decided to tackle the Orewa Beach Half Marathon as her challenge.
Kris Ward, Batten 602, was awarded a scholarship for a Classic course in 2015. Two and a half years on, he's smashed the goals he set on his course and is currently sailing across the Atlantic living his dream!
Karen Tills took on an Outward Bound Masters course for her 50th birthday. Now she’s turning 60 and is heading to the high and remote Himalayan valleys.
With nearly 1,800 people coming through Anakiwa each year, it's essential that all of our life-saving equipment is fully equipped and ready to rock in the rare case of an emergency.
For years our students have kayaked and sailed their way through the Marlborough Sounds on their Outward Bound course and thanks to Project Refresh Anakiwa, future students will get to experience the uniquely NZ, waka ama.